
Activin A

Qkine Activin A Vial image

Comparison of Activin A (Qk001) vial recovery from Qkine and alternative suppliers

Protein recovery yields ranged from 50% – 135% across 8 samples of Activin A provided by different suppliers. The wide variation in yields highlights the importance of measuring vial recovery as part of a standard QC process. Qkine maintains an industry-leading vial recovery standard in the range of 95-115%.


Qkine BMP-4 (Qk038) protein produces consistently high bioactivity lot-to-lot

BMP-4 is part of the TGF-β superfamily and has a complex biochemical structure, expertise is required to manufacture bioactive BMP-4. Qkine BMP-4 (Qk038) was found to have exceptional lot-to-lot consistency.

Qkine BMP-4 (Qk038) protein has higher bioactivity than bacterial and mammalian-expressed BMP-4 from alternative suppliers

BMP-4 is part of the TGF-β superfamily and has a complex biochemical structure, expertise is required to manufacture bioactive BMP-4. Qkine BMP-4 had higher bioactivity than BMP-4 from alternative suppliers, allowing lower concentrations to be used in media for cost-effective cell culture.


Qkine CNTF (Qk063) is more biologically active than a comparable alternative supplier protein

CNTF protein plays a crucial role in regulating the development of the nervous system and is involved in the differentiation and maintenance of various neurons, glial cells, and retinal cells. Qkine CNTF (Qk063) had higher bioactivity than CNTF from an alternative major supplier.


The only commercially available animal-free bioactive DKK-1 for reproducible stem cell culture and related applications

Dickkopf-related protein 1 (DKK-1) is a potent Wnt pathway antagonist used to control cell fate, self-renewal, and differentiation. Qkine DKK-1 (Qk068) has equivalent bioactivity to the mammalian-expressed DKK-1 from an alternative major supplier.


Epidermal Growth Factor (Qk011) remains stable and bioactive in conditioned media

In stem cell cultures, the instability of growth factors like EGF contribute to the need for frequent media changes to avoid spontaneous differentiation and variability. The half-life of EGF in conditioned media is believed to be between 1-3 days. Qkine EGF (Qk011) has been tested to ensure its stability in conditioned media.

Qkine Epidermal Growth Factor (Qk011is as biologically active as a comparable alternative supplier protein

EGF is an essential growth factor for stimulating the proliferation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) and embryonic stem cells (ESC) and their subsequent differentiation. EGF is also a key component of many media for developing and maintaining organoids. Qkine EGF (Qk011) has equivalent bioactivity to EGF from an alternative major supplier.

Bioactivity of Qkine human (Qk011) and porcine (Qk064) Epidermal Growth Factors

Species-specific growth factors such as porcine EGF (pEGF) are essential for the development and maintenance of animal cell lines and cellular agriculture. When tested Qkine pEGF was as biologically active as human EGF.


Thermostable FGF2-G3 protein (Qk053) remains stable and highly bioactive in culture

Qkine FGF2-G3 (Qk053) was engineered with nine amino acid substitutions to stabilize its structure and expressed in E. coli creating the only animal-free, protein-tag-free stabilized FGF2-G3 available commercially. The enhanced stability makes FGF2-G3 a highly bioactive and thermostable (heat stable) engineered form of FGF-2, resulting in improved culture conditions with less frequent media changes.

Qkine bovine/porcine fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) 154 aa protein (Qk056) is more biologically active than a comparable alternative supplier protein

Recombinant bovine/porcine FGF2 protein 154 aa (bFGF/basic FGF), this is the long form of FGF-2 used for the development of optimized serum-free culture media for species-specific bovine (cow) and porcine (pig) cultivated meat and veterinary research applications. Qkine bovine/porcine FGF-2 (Qk056) was found to be more bioactive than an alternative major supplier.


Qkine animal origin-free Fibroblast Growth Factor 8a (Qk059) is more biologically active than mammalian-origin comparable alternative

FGF-8a plays a crucial role in regulating embryonic development and is involved in the proliferation, differentiation, and migration of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), embryonic stem cells (ESC), and neural stem cells (NSC). The comparative bioactivity data demonstrated that Qkine FGF-8a (Qk059) had equivalent bioactivity to the mammalian-expressed FGF-8a from an alternative major supplier.


Qk057 FGF-8b lot-to-lot consistency comparison

Qkine animal origin-free Fibroblast Growth Factor 8b (Qk057) produces consistently high bioactivity lot-to-lot

FGF-8b is involved in the regulation of embryogenesis and is commonly used for the differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) into neural cell types and for brain organoid cultures. Qkine recombinant human FGF-8b lots tested showed a very narrow bioactivity range of 0.1-0.13 pM.


Qkine human fibroblast growth factor 9 (FGF-9, Qk039) bioactivity is comparable to an alternative supplier protein

FGF-9 is involved in many developmental processes including neural and skeletal development. Recombinant FGF9 is frequently used in the generation of kidney organoids. Qkine FGF-9 (Qk039) has equivalent bioactivity to FGF-9 from an alternative major supplier.


Qkine human/rat/porcine/bovine Fibroblast Growth Factor-10 (Qk003) is as biologically active as a comparable alternative supplier protein

Fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF-10) is involved in several different embryo and adult cell and tissue types, including mesenchymal, neuronal and epithelial cells. FGF-10 is used widely for stimulating the differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) and embryonic stem cells (ESC) and promoting organoid formation. Qkine FGF-10 (Qk003) has equivalent bioactivity to FGF-10 from an alternative major supplier.


Qkine human Fibroblast Growth Factor-18 (Qk069) is as biologically active as a comparable alternative supplier protein

FGF-18 is widely used to support cell culture maintenance and proliferation, promote chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation of stem cells and stimulate angiogenesis. Qkine FGF-18 (Qk069) has equivalent bioactivity to FGF-18 from an alternative major supplier.


Qkine recombinant human Flt3L (Qk087) is as biologically active as a comparable alternative supplier protein

Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (Flt-3 Ligand or Flt3L) is a cytokine that is involved in the regulation of hematopoiesis. It stimulates the survival, proliferation, and differentiation of various early myeloid and lymphoid progenitor cells. Qkine Flt3L (Qk087) had equivalent bioactivity to Flt3L from an alternative major supplier.


Qkine human glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF, Qk051) bioactivity is comparable to an alternative supplier protein

GNDF is used to maintain neurons and cortical organoids and to differentiate dopaminergic neurons from human pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitors. GDNF also facilitates the differentiation of neural progenitors to astrocytes. Qkine GDNF (Qk051) had equivalent bioactivity to GDNF from an alternative major supplier.


Qkine Granulocyte Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF, Qk076) is as biologically active as the comparable alternative supplier protein

GM-CSF is commonly used in cell culture to stimulate the differentiation and maturation of human induced pluripotent stem cells or peripheral blood cells to myeloid lineages. Qkine GM-CSF (Qk076) had equivalent bioactivity to GM-CSF from an alternative major supplier.


Qkine Interleukin 3 (IL-3, Qk090) is as biologically active as the comparable alternative supplier protein

IL- 3 is commonly used in cell culture to stimulate the differentiation and maturation of human-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) towards myeloid progenitors such as mast cells, basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and megakaryocytes. Qkine IL-3 (Qk090) has equivalent bioactivity to IL-3 from an alternative major supplier.


Qkine Interleukin-6 (IL-6, Qk093) is more biologically active than a comparable alternative supplier protein

IL-6 is used for the culture of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and other relevant cells. Qkine IL-6 (Qk093) was found to be more bioactive than IL-6 produced by an alternative major supplier.


Qkine Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF, Qk036) is as biologically active as a comparable alternative supplier protein

LIF is essential to maintain stem cell pluripotency, so it is widely used in embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell cultures. Qkine LIF (Qk036) has equivalent bioactivity to LIF from an alternative major supplier.


Qkine recombinant human noggin (Qk034) is as biologically active as a comparable alternative supplier protein

Noggin is used in the culture of embryonic and pluripotent stem cells and to derive neural and microglial lineages. It can also be used to generate intestinal, pancreatic, lung, and tumor-derived organoids. Qkine noggin (Qk034) has comparable bioactivity to noggin from an alternative major supplier.

Qkine mouse/rat noggin (Qk033) is as biologically active as a comparable alternative supplier protein

Species-specific recombinant proteins such as mouse/rat noggin (Qk033) are essential for the culture of mouse and rat embryonic stem cells, ensuring reproducible and physiologically relevant cell cultures. Qkine mouse/rat noggin has comparable bioactivity to noggin from an alternative major supplier.


Qkine neurotrophin 3 (NT3, Qk058) is as biologically active as a comparable alternative supplier protein

Neurotrophin 3 (NT-3) protein is used in cell culture to promote the differentiation and survival of specific neural subpopulations in both the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system such as sensory neurons, cortical neurons, and oligodendrocytes. Qkine NT-3 (Qk058) was as biologically active as a comparable alternative supplier protein.


Qkine platelet derived growth factor BB (PDGF-BB, Qk044) is more biologically active than a comparable alternative supplier protein

Platelet derived growth factor BB (PDGF-BB) increases stem cell proliferation and marker expression and can be used in osteogenic and neural stem cell differentiation. Qkine PDGF-BB (Qk044) is more biologically active than a comparable alternative supplier protein.


Recombinant R-spondin 1 (Qk006) can replace conditioned media in pancreatic organoid culture

Human R-spondin 1 protein (RSPO1) is the prototypic member of the R-spondin family. R-spondin 1 is used to potentiate Wnt signaling in many organoid culture systems. Qkine recombinant R-spondin 1 protein (Qk006) was found to be comparable to Wnti-3a conditioned media in supporting the growth of pancreatic organoids and PDAC tumor organoids.


Qkine Stem Cell Factor (SCF, Qk078) is as biologically active as a comparable alternative supplier protein

Stem cell factor (SCF) is a key myeloid progenitor differentiation factor for a variety of myeloid cells such as megakaryocytes, basophils, neutrophils, and monocytes. Qkine SCF (Qk078) has equivalent bioactivity to SCF from an alternative major supplier for simple cytokine substitution.


Qkine animal origin-free TGF-β1 PLUS (Qk010) is more bioactive than mammalian expressed alternatives

Transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β1) is a common component of human pluripotency maintenance media. However, as TGF-β1 is a highly complex protein, it is difficult to manufacture in microbial expression systems. TGF-β1 PLUS shows exceptional lot-to-lot consistency, providing a reliable source of highly active TGF-β1. Qkine animal origin-free TGF-β1 PLUS was more bioactive than mammalian expressed alternative.

Qkine transforming growth factor beta-3 (TGF-β3, Qk054) is as biologically active as a comparable alternative supplier protein

TGF-β3 maintains the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells (ESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). It can also induce the differentiation of cartilage and muscle cells. Qkine TGF-β3 (Qk054) has equivalent bioactivity to TGF-β3 from an alternative major supplier.

The first quality-matched animal origin-free TGF–β1 (Qk010), TGF–β2 (Qk072) and TGF–β3 (Qk054) proteins for improved stem cell culture

Recombinant TGF-β proteins are essential reagents in most adult stem cell culture media, although it is not always clear which TGF-β is most appropriate to use. Qkine produces high-quality, animal origin-free TGF-β proteins with guaranteed equivalent purity, allowing comparison of all three directly to define the form that is most efficacious for a specific application.