27 05, 2022

Download hPSC directed differentiation poster

2022-05-27T12:39:07+00:00May 27th, 2022|Resources|

Pluripotent stem cells have infinite capacity; they can self-renew indefinitely and differentiate to any cell in the body, given the right conditions. Directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) towards specific cell types, through defined culture conditions, provides significant promise in the field of regenerative medicine, drug discovery, and disease modelling.

10 01, 2022

pep talk January 2022

2022-02-24T12:06:46+00:00January 10th, 2022|News, newsletter, Resources, stem cells|

Happy New Year! It’s five years since Marko and I founded Qkine, the time has flown. Highlights have been the wonderful feedback we’ve had from customers and launching innovative products such as the first true animal-free TGFβ1, tag-free thermostable FGF2-G3, and demonstrating the efficacy of HGF NK1 in hepatocyte differentiation.

10 01, 2022

the 5th anniversary of Qkine

2022-01-10T09:30:43+00:00January 10th, 2022|cellular agriculture, News, protein science, Resources, stem cells|

There has been an impressive drive towards innovation in stem cell protocols this year. As 2021 comes to a close, we reflect on the highlights for stem cell science over the year. It was great to see new culture media, such as B8 and “Beefy-9”, published, developments in cultivated meat science hit the news and iPSC-based therapies edge closer to the clinic. Reproducibility remains the underlying theme, and indeed requirement, for maximising the impact of these wonderful developments and at Qkine we’ll continue to do everything we can to help in 2022.

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