Pep Talk

April 2022

High sensitivity experimental systems and the focus on stem cell media optimization for scale-up reveal the subtleties of stem cell responses to growth media composition. In the literature and our collective scientific knowledge, how much of what we know about growth factor requirements, such as specific protein family member activities and functional concentration, is real and how much is hearsay?

One fundamental requirement for building a definitive dataset is the availability of growth factors and cytokines with directly comparable protein quality, formulation and the amount it says on the label in the vial (yes, really!). At Qkine, one of our areas of scientific geekery is the TGF beta family, many of which are essential growth factors for stem cell media. With the introduction of TGF beta 3 to our product range this month, we are allowing scientists to be able to compare directly animal-free TGF beta 1 and 3 for the first time in media optimization studies. Interestingly, in a direct read-out of bioactivity, a luciferase reporter assay, the EC50 is equivalent. It will be interesting to see how this translates to specific biological activity on cells in the complex environment in culture.

Best regards,
Catherine (CEO and Founder)

TGF-β3 now available

Recombinant human TGF-β3 (Qk054) completes our range of fully defined, animal-free growth factors for iPSC and ESC culture. Our TGF-β3 is highly pure and bioactive. Review the data and contact the team with any questions or for a quote.

Implantable iPSC-derived liver and pancreatic cells: the future of medicine?

Recent clinical trials using pancreatic stem cell-derived implants to treat diabetes have highlighted the potential of cell-based implants as a means of ‘topping up’ organ function. Read about the innovations necessary to take these to clinic.

Qkine TGfb1-technote

How does animal-free TGF-β1 compare with mammalian cell-expressed protein?

Choosing animal-free growth factors should never mean you have to compromise bioactivity. We have benchmarked our animal-free TGF-β1 (Qk010) against mammalian cell-expressed alternatives. View the technote to see how it compares.

Image and video competition

Do you have a stem cell or organoid image or video that you’d love to share? Entries are open for our scientific image and videocompetition. Every entrant will receive a £50 Qkine credit (limited to 1 per group/team) and will be entered into the prize draw to win a pair of Apple AirPods. You could be featured in our next newsletter, so upload your image or video now.

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