4 10, 2024

Qkine integrates the latest advancement in fill-finish automation into its recombinant protein manufacturing process

2024-10-07T14:24:03+00:00October 4th, 2024|Blog, News, quality|

Our latest investment in our mission at Qkine to produce the highest quality growth factors for research. The most state-of-the-art automated system which fills, labels and caps vials with minimal manual intervention.

12 09, 2024

Qkine collaboration with the Bertero Lab, Heart Engineering and Developmental Genomics et al. (HEDGe), University of Turin, Italy

2024-09-12T11:52:48+00:00September 12th, 2024|Blog, News, stem cells|

This recent publication in collaboration with Qkine focusses on the optimization of home-brew media for the maintenance of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), using Qkine growth factors to allow cost-effective, practical, and reproducible culture of hiPSCs. Qkine thermostable tag-free FGF2-G3 proteins were found to be highly bioactive, necessitating an 8-fold reduction in concentration for the short (145 aa) form of FGF2-G3 in the optimized media.

30 08, 2024

The transformative power of hematopoietic stem cells in medicine

2024-08-30T08:33:32+00:00August 30th, 2024|Blog, Hematopoietic, stem cells|

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are at the forefront of a transformative shift in modern medicine, beginning to revolutionize patient care by offering novel therapeutic treatments for a wide range of diseases. This review blog summarizes advances in the clinical use of HSCs in HSC transplantation.

14 08, 2024

ISSCR 2024: scientists and suppliers working together will improve the future of stem cell research

2024-10-10T08:22:00+00:00August 14th, 2024|animal-free, Blog, Event, News, stem cells|

Qkine is a company run by scientists, and the science is the focus of everything we do.Our theme at ISSCR this year was stress-free stem cell culture - exploring how suppliers of recombinant proteins can proactively improve the quality, availability and functionality of growth factors to generate experimental outcomes faster, easier and more efficiently.We discussed priorities for the stem cell science supply chain with scientists from academic and industry labs and had in-depth conversations about the impact of growth factors and cytokines quality on reproducibility and how to integrate new technologies, such as controlled-release and thermostable proteins, to improve the scalability of expansion and differentiation protocols.Through collaboration, we learn and, together, improve the future of stem cell research.

9 01, 2024

Nurturing Complexity: The role of vascularization in Organoid Advancements

2024-01-09T11:27:37+00:00January 9th, 2024|Blog, organoid news|

Organoids are exciting models that are rapidly becoming a hopeful platform for many medical advances such as drug screening and disease modeling. However, due to a lack of vascularization, they have limitations for future applications. This review blog summarizes several practical methods for successful organoid vascularization to date.

30 11, 2023

Hepatocyte-derived organoids provide unique insights into liver cell invasion by malaria parasites

2024-01-05T13:39:37+00:00November 30th, 2023|Blog, organoid news|

Complex 3D liver models that more closely mimic human biology open opportunities for improved drug and vaccine discovery for malaria and related parasitic diseases.

21 07, 2023

My first ISSCR – sharing is power – Sveva Bottini shares her experience of ISSCR 2023

2024-10-10T08:25:05+00:00July 21st, 2023|Blog, Event|

In this personal blog piece, Sveva Bottini from the Bertero Lab in Turin, shares her experiences of ISSCR 2023 in Boston. During the event, Qkine was proud to co-sponsor a poster abstract by Sveva on ‘Optimization of growth factors for human pluripotent stem cell culture in basal 8 media.’

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