16 08, 2024

Qkine is pleased to announce that it has been recertified with the international standard ISO 9001:2015 by globally respected UKAS-accredited BSI

2024-10-10T08:20:51+00:00August 16th, 2024|Awards, cellular agriculture, News, Press Release, quality|

Qkine is pleased to announce that it has successfully been recertified with the international standard ISO 9001:2015 by the globally respected UKAS accredited BSI, giving enhanced confidence in the assessment of best practices. This standard shows our dedication to raising the standard of bioactive proteins through implementation of continual improvement, scientific innovation and exceptional scientific and customer support

23 11, 2022

Qkine and 3D Bio-Tissues collaboration awarded €100,000 at EIT Food Venture Summit 2022

2022-11-23T06:46:58+00:00November 23rd, 2022|Awards, cellular agriculture, News, Press Release|

A collaboration between Qkine and 3D Bio-Tissues has been awarded one of four prestigious prizes at the 2022 EIT Food Venture Summit, held in Lisbon, Portugal. Prize money will be used to develop new solutions to reduce the cost of cultivated meat.

10 09, 2021

Qkine earns ISO 9001:2015 certification for protein R&D and manufacture facilities in Cambridge, UK

2024-08-15T06:47:24+00:00September 10th, 2021|Awards, cellular agriculture, News, Press Release, quality|

Qkine certified ISO9001: 2015 for its quality management system encompassing R&D, manufacturing, and operations in Cambridge, UK. Qkine supplies growth factors and cytokines to the fast-moving stem cell, organoid and emerging cultured meat sectors. Exceptional product quality and scientific support are crucial to customer's business processes and experimental outcomes.

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