30 09, 2020

Currencies accepted via our online store

2021-07-28T10:17:43+00:00September 30th, 2020||

We accept the following currencies via our online store: GBP: Pound sterling (£) EUR: Euro (€) USD: United States (US) dollar (US$) To change the currency displayed on our website, simply click 'currency' on the top navigation bar and select your local or preferred currency from the dropdown list.

26 08, 2020

EMA/410/01-Rev3 regulation compliance

2021-02-26T20:22:51+00:00August 26th, 2020||

The EMA/410/01-Rev3 regulation is not directly applicable to our products as it only applies to medicinal products and the use of animal-derived products as raw materials, which we do not use in any of our manufacturing processes. However, for peace of mind, we are in the process of confirming that everything we use both [...]

26 08, 2020

Stability of lyophilized proteins at room temperature

2021-02-26T20:23:40+00:00August 26th, 2020|, , |

We have compared our lyophilized proteins incubated at 37 °C for 3 days with those stored at -80 °C and found no difference in their bioactivity (EC50) using our standard assays. Therefore, as part of our commitment to the environment and supporting more eco-friendly packaging, we send all of our lyophilized proteins at room [...]


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