16 11, 2022

Event – Cambridge University Ult Protein Project, Cambridge UK

2022-11-17T11:12:27+00:00November 16th, 2022|Event|

Catherine Elton, CEO of Qkine, will be speaking at CUAPP about how scientific research in animal-free culture can be applied to cultivated meat, taking it from academia to industry. Qkine is pleased to be taking part in building the Alternative Protein ecosystem in Cambridge to create a sustainable food future.

15 11, 2022

Event – Mercia Stem Cell Alliance, York UK

2022-11-15T11:39:45+00:00November 15th, 2022|Event|

We are excited to be gold sponsors of the Mercia Stem Cell Alliance 10th Annual Scientific Meeting next month. The Mercia Stem Cell Alliance (MSCA) is made up of members of the stem cell research communities across the Midlands and North West who recognise the economic and social potential of stem cell research, stem cell-derived therapies and models, as well as regenerative medicine.

27 10, 2022

Event – WEST networking day, Birmingham UK

2022-10-27T09:24:11+00:00October 27th, 2022|Event|

We are delighted to support the Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology networking day organized by a student committee at Aston University. Encouraging gender equality throughout STEM subjects is part of our company’s sustainable development goals and we are proud to empower women within the biotech sector.

25 10, 2022

Event – Cambridge Stem Cell Institute PhD symposium, Cambridge UK

2022-10-25T15:53:46+00:00October 25th, 2022|Event|

We will be exhibiting at the annual PhD symposium at the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute on the 3rd and 4th November. Join us on the 25th of October at the Francis Crick Institute in London for the 5th Annual LSCN Symposium. This entirely student-led event is a great opportunity for students to network, discuss their research and expand their knowledge in their specialist subject areas.

28 09, 2022

Event – London Stem Cell Network Annual Symposium, London UK

2022-10-18T11:08:52+00:00September 28th, 2022|Event|

Join us on the 25th of October at the Francis Crick Institute in London for the 5th Annual LSCN Symposium. This hybrid event brings together brings together research groups and affiliates working in and passionate about the broader stem cell field across universities and institutions in London and further afield.

14 09, 2022

Event – LifETIME CDT student day – Birmingham, UK

2022-09-14T10:08:33+00:00September 14th, 2022|Event|

We will be exhibiting at the LifeTIME CDT student day being held at the University of Birmingham. This event brings together academics, students and key players in drug discovery and regenerative medicine including University of Glasgow, the University of Birmingham, Aston University and CÚRAM – Science Foundation Ireland.

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