anti-slavery and human trafficking policy

Qkine is fully committed to acting ethically and with integrity. We do not tolerate slavery or human trafficking in our organization or our supply chain. We will never knowingly deal with any organization which is connected to slavery or human trafficking.

Slavery and trafficking statement, pursuant to section 54 Modern Slavery Act 2015

Qkine has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all of its business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place anywhere within either its own business or in any of its supply chains, consistent with its obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Qkine also expects the same high standards from all of its suppliers, contractors and other business partners and, as part of its contracting processes, it includes specific prohibitions against the use of modern slavery and expects that its suppliers will, in turn, hold their suppliers to the same standards.
This policy applies to all individuals working for the Company or on the Company’s behalf in any capacity, including employees, directors, officers, agency workers, volunteers, agents, contractors, consultants and business partners.

Responsibility for the policy

The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for ensuring that this policy complies with the Company’s legal and ethical obligations.
The Scientific Operations Manager has day-to-day responsibility for implementing this policy, monitoring its use and effectiveness, and auditing internal control systems and policies and procedures to ensure they effectively prevent or remediate the risk of modern slavery.
Managers are responsible for ensuring that those reporting to them understand and comply with this policy.
The Directors are also responsible for investigating allegations of modern slavery in the Company’s business or supply chains.

Breach of the policy

The Company may terminate its commercial relationship with suppliers, contractors and other business partners if they breach this policy or are involved in modern slavery.

Catherine Elton