MCB/LISCB symposium, University of Leicester
16 September 2022
On Friday 16th of September we will be at the University of Leicester in the Henry Wellcome building atrium/lecture theatre for the 5th annual Department of Molecular and Cell Biology Symposium.
We are pleased to be sponsors of the event “Molecular Biology of the Cell” which will highlight current research and showcase PhD students’ work. It is also a fantastic opportunity to network with researchers in the department of Molecular and cell Biology and the College of Life Sciences.
About the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
The Department of Molecular and Cell Biology provides infrastructure and a supportive environment for more than 30 active and dynamic research groups, forming a coherent research community with established strengths in four areas of fundamental and translational scientific research: Structural and Chemical Biology, Cell Proliferation and Differentiation, Channels, receptors and Signalling and Regulation of Gene expression.
It is part of the College of Life Sciences. The Department is almost wholly accommodated within the Henry Wellcome Building and contiguous with the Leicester Institute for Structural and Chemical Biology (LISCB), with a number of MCB principal investigators also being core members of LISCB.