Activin A

Andreasson, L., Evenbratt, H., Mobini, R. & Simonsson, S. ‘Differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into definitive endoderm on Activin A-functionalized gradient surfaces’
J Biotechnol 325, 173–178 (2021).

From the lab of Stina SimonssonUniversity of Gothenburg

Activin A (Qk001)

In embryonic development, growth factors are delivered in a highly controlled and targeted manner, however when differentiating iPSCs the real challenge is to effectively mimic these conditions. Consequently, iPSC differentiation is plagued by issues such as low efficiency and a lack of homogeneity. In their recent paper Andreasson et al. take a step towards improving the differentiation of iPSCs to definitive endoderm. The group employs gold nanoparticles to generate a gradient of immobilised Activin A – a member of the TGF-β superfamily that plays a key role in definitive endoderm development. Using this gradient, the group was able to deliver Activin A in a controlled and localised manor, resulting in more efficient differentiation. By deploying their innovative approach, the group observed a dose dependent response of the cells to Activin A, as defined by expression of differentiation markers SOX17 and GATA4. Their results indicate that it may be possible to define an optimal density of Activin A for definitive endoderm differentiation – a finding that could improve the homogeneity and speed of differentiation. This innovative study is a wonderful example of how reconsidering the way in which growth factors are delivered can lead to advances in our understanding of the precise control of stem cell differentiation and how these cells undertake their fate decisions.

Bao, M. et al. ‘Stem cell-derived synthetic embryos self-assemble by exploiting cadherin codes and cortical tension’.
Nat Cell Biol, 24, 1341–1349 (2022)

From the lab of Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, University of Cambridge

Activin A (Qk001)

Barsby, T. et al. ‘Differentiating functional human islet-like aggregates from pluripotent stem cells’.
STAR Protocols, 03:04 (2022)

From the lab of Timo Otonkoski, University of Helsinki

Activin A (Qk001)

Beucher, A. et al. ‘The HASTER lncRNA promoter is a cis-acting transcriptional stabilizer of HNF1A’.
Nat Cell Biol, 24, 1528–1540 (2022)

From the lab of Jorge Ferrer, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

Activin A (Qk001)

Blackford, S. J. I. et al. ‘RGD density along with substrate stiffness regulate hPSC hepatocyte functionality through YAP signalling.’
Biomaterials 293, 121982 (2023).

From the labs of Tamir Rashid, Imperial College London and Eileen Gentleman, King’s College London.

Activin A (Qk001)

Blackford, S. J. I. et al. ‘Validation of Current Good Manufacturing Practice Compliant Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Hepatocytes for Cell-Based Therapy’.
Stem Cells Transl Med 8, 124–137 (2019).

From the lab of Tamir Rashid, Kings College London

Activin A (Qk001)

Boikova, A. et al.A transient modified mRNA encoding Myc and Cyclin T1 induces cardiac regeneration and improves cardiac function after myocardial injury.Preprint (2023).

From the labs of Catherine H. Wilson, University of Cambridge and James E. Hudson, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

FGF-2 (Qk002)
Activin A (Qk001)

Carbognin, E. et al. ‘Esrrb guides naive pluripotent cells through the formative transcriptional programme.’
Nat Cell Biol 25, 643–657 (2023).

From the labs of Jamie A. Hackett, European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL-Rome, Davide Cacchiarelli, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine and Graziano Martello, University of Padua.

Zebrafish FGF-2 protein (Qk002)
Activin A protein (Qk001)
Human LIF protein (Qk036)

Drozd, A. et al. ‘Progesterone Receptor Modulates Extraembryonic Mesoderm and Cardiac Progenitor Specification during Mouse Gastrulation’.
Int. J. Mol. Sci, (2022).

From the lab of Elisabetta Ferretti, University of Copenhagen

Activin A (Qk001)
BMP-4 (Qk038)
bFGF (Qk027)

Farhan, F. et al.Extracellular matrices modulate differentiation of human embryonic stem cell-derived hepatocyte-like cells with spatial hepatic features.Research Square (2023).

From the lab of Wei Cui, Imperial College London

Activin A (Qk001)

Guo, M., Wu, J., Chen, C. et al. Self-renewing human naïve pluripotent stem cells dedifferentiate in 3D culture and form blastoids spontaneously.
Nat Commun 15, 668 (2024).

From the lab of José Silva, Guangzhou Laboratory

Activin A (Qk001)
hLIF (Qk036)

A huge challenge in understanding human early embryo cell fate is due to limited access and ethical concerns. Recent research, however, from José C. R. Silva’s lab at Guangzhou National Laboratory, drawing from single-cell sequencing, suggests a conserved lineage specification process between human and mouse embryos. Blastoids, emerging models for early embryo development, generated solely from hnPSCs, offer insights into blastocyst formation without altering culture conditions. Self-renewing human naïve pluripotent stem cells (hnPSCs) spontaneously form blastoids in 3D culture, mimicking early human blastocysts. This process, mediated by the GSK3 inhibitor IM-12 in 5iLAF medium, involves upregulation of oxidative phosphorylation genes. hnPSCs dedifferentiate into E5 embryo-like intermediates, expressing SOX2/OCT4 and GATA6, which specify trophoblast fate by day 3, coinciding with blastoid formation. This was a fantastic paper to read as it is clear how this spontaneous blastoid formation highlights the importance of culture conditions and provides a new platform to study human embryo development in vitro, potentially reshaping our understanding of hnPSCs and embryo development.

Jalil, S., Keskinen, T. et al. Genetic and functional correction of argininosuccinate lyase deficiency using CRISPR adenine base editors
The American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 111, Issue 4, 714 – 728 (2024).

From the lab of Kirmo Wartiovaara, University of Helsinki

Activin A (Qk001)

Jobbins, A. et al. ‘Dysregulated RNA polyadenylation contributes to metabolic impairment in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease’.
Nucleic Acids Research, 50:06 (2022)

From the lab of Santiago Vernia, LMS London Institute of Medical Sciences

Activin A (Qk001)

Kinoshita, M. et al. ‘Capture of Mouse and Human Stem Cells with Features of Formative Pluripotency’.
Cell Stem Cell (2020)

From the lab of Austin Smith, University of Cambridge & University of Exeter

Activin A PLUS (Qk005)
zFGF-2 / bFGF (Qk002)

In the study of embryonic stem cells, stem cells representative of naïve and primed pluripotency have been well established in the forms of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and epiblast-derived stem cells (EpiSCs). In this study Kinoshita et al. fill the gap between early and late pluripotency in describing an intermediate state; formative stem (FS) cells. FS cells differ from both ESCs and EpiSCs, a difference beautifully exemplified by their relative contribution to chimeras. Compared with ESCs, which readily contribute to chimeras, FS chimera contribution is less frequent, and their contribution is less evenly distributed. EpiSCs on the other hand do not generally contribute to chimeras at all. FS cells were established by culturing E5.5 epiblasts, or ES cells, in N2B27 media supplemented with a low dose of Qkine Activin A alongside a Wnt inhibitor and pan-retinoic acid receptor inverse agonist. We are proud our growth factors could be part of such an exciting finding!

Masaki Kinoshita, first author, MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge, says:
“Formative” pluripotency exists transiently in early development and naive mouse ES cell differentiation, which cells directly respond to differentiation signals. This paper showed that formative pluripotency is now captured in culture and expands its knowledge including chimaera competency of early embryonic cells.

Luo, L, et al. ‘Hydrostatic Pressure Promotes Chondrogenic Differentiation and Microvesicle Release from Human Embryonic and Bone Marrow Stem Cells’. Biotechnology Journal (2021)

From the lab of Alicia El Haj, University of Birmingham

Activin A (Qk001)
FGF-2 / bFGF 145 aa (Qk025)
BMP-2 (Qk007)

Miguel-Escalada, I. et al. ‘Pancreas agenesis mutations disrupt a lead enhancer controlling a developmental enhancer cluster’.
Developmental Cell, 57:16, (2022)

From the lab of Jorge Ferrer, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

Activin A (Qk001)

Meek, S. et al. ‘Stem Cell-Derived Porcine Macrophages as a New Platform for Studying Host-Pathogen Interactions’.
BMC Biology, 20:14 (2022)

From the lab of Tom Burdon, University of Edinburgh

Activin A (Qk001)
FGF-2 / bFGF 154 aa (Qk027)

Militi, S., Nibhani, R., Jalali, M. & Pauklin. S.RBL2-E2F-GCN5 guide cell fate decisions during tissue specification by regulating cell-cycle-dependent fluctuations of non-cell-autonomous signaling.
Cell Rep. 42, 113146 (2023).

From the lab of Siim Pauklin, University of Oxford

Activin A (Qk001)

Ragusa, D. et al. ‘Dissecting infant leukaemia developmental origins with a hemogenic gastruloid model’.
bioRxiv, (2022)

From the lab of Cristina Pina, Brunel University

Activin A (Qk001)

Stuart, H. T. et al. ‘Distinct Molecular Trajectories Converge to Induce Naive Pluripotency’.
Cell Stem Cell 25, 388-406.e8 (2019).

Reviewers comments available to view: Stadtfeld, M. Evaluation of Stuart et al.: Distinct Molecular Trajectories Converge to Induce Naive Pluripotency. Cell Stem Cell 25, 297–298 (2019). doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2019.08.009

From the lab of José Silva, University of Cambridge

Activin A (Qk001)
zFGF2 / bFGF (Qk002)
mouse LIF (Qk018)

Wamaitha, S. E. et al. ‘IGF1-mediated human embryonic stem cell self-renewal recapitulates the embryonic niche’.
Nat Commun 11, 764 (2020).

From the lab of Harry Leitch, Imperial College London

Activin A (Qk001)

Weatherbee, B.A.T., Weberling, A., Gantner, C.W. et al. Distinct pathways drive anterior hypoblast specification in the implanting human embryo.
Nat Cell Biol (2024).

From the lab of Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, University of Cambridge

Activin A (Qk001)

It has been a pleasure to read about the intricate dance of signaling coordination between the epiblast, trophectoderm, and hypoblast during early human embryonic development in this recent publication from the lab of Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz at the California Institute of Technology/University of Cambridge. Using human embryos and stem cell models, the research reveals NODAL dependency in anterior hypoblast specification, contrasting roles of BMP in mouse and human anterior signaling center maintenance, and the importance of NOTCH signaling in human epiblast survival. Comparative analysis highlights conserved and species-specific factors driving embryonic development. Specifically, NODAL, BMP, and NOTCH play crucial roles in anterior hypoblast formation, with signaling dynamics changing significantly post-implantation. The fantastic research underscores the complexity of signaling pathways during implantation and emphasizes the importance of further investigations to elucidate their roles comprehensively. These findings clearly contribute to understanding early human embryonic development and provide insights for improving stem cell-derived embryo-like models.

Weatherbee, B. A. T. et al.Pluripotent stem cell-derived model of the post-implantation human embryo.
Nature 1–10 (2023).

From the lab of Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, University of Cambridge

Activin A (Qk001)

Weatherbee, B. A. et al.Transgene directed induction of a stem cell-derived human embryo model.
Nature (2023).

From the lab of Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, University of Cambridge

Activin A (Qk001)

Zorzan, I. et al. ‘The transcriptional regulator ZNF398 mediates pluripotency and epithelial character downstream of TGF-beta in human PSCs’.
Nat Commun 11, 2364 (2020).

From the lab of Graziano Martello, University of Padua

Activin A (Qk001)
zFGF-2 / bFGF  (Qk002)


Agarwal, D. et al.Human retinal ganglion cell neurons generated by synchronous BMP inhibition and transcription factor mediated reprogramming.
Npj Regen. Med. 8, 1–18 (2023).

From the lab of Karl Wahlin, University of California San Diego

BDNF (Qk050)
GDNF (Qk051)

Agarwal, D. & Wahlin, K. ‘Differentiation of RGC Induced Neurons (RGC-iNs).’ (2023).

From the lab of Karl Wahlin, University of California San Diego

BDNF (Qk050)
GDNF (Qk051)

Chen, H.-J. C. et al.Profiling human hypothalamic neurons reveals a candidate combination drug therapy for weight loss.
Preprint (2023).

From the labs of John C. Marioni, European Bioinformatics Institute and Florian T. Merkle, University of Cambridge

BDNF (Qk050)

Macarelli, V., Harding, E. et al. A short sequence targets transmembrane proteins to primary cilia.
Cells 13(13): 1156 (2024).

From the lab of Florian Merkle, University of Cambridge

Human BDNF (Qk050)

Macarelli et al demonstrate the importance of using the right cells and tools for the study of neural stem cell models in this recent publication. They explored the use of different ciliary targeting sequences to fluorescently label and measure cilia. This allows the study of the structure and function of these important sensory and signaling structures in differentiated neural cells. An exciting addition to the knowledge of tools to study neural differentiation from the lab of Dr Florian Merkle at the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute.


Huang, T et al. ‘Sex-Specific Chromatin Remodelling Safeguards Transcription in Germ Cells’.
Nature, 600, 737–742 (2021)

From the lab of Petra Hajkova, MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences

BMP-2 (Qk007)

Luo, L, et al. ‘Hydrostatic Pressure Promotes Chondrogenic Differentiation and Microvesicle Release from Human Embryonic and Bone Marrow Stem Cells’. Biotechnology Journal (2021)

From the lab of Alicia El Haj, University of Birmingham

Activin A (Qk001)
FGF-2 / bFGF 145 aa (Qk025)
BMP-2 (Qk007)


Drozd, A. et al. ‘Progesterone Receptor Modulates Extraembryonic Mesoderm and Cardiac Progenitor Specification during Mouse Gastrulation’.
Int. J. Mol. Sci, (2022)

From the lab of Elisabetta Ferretti, University of Copenhagen

Activin A (Qk001)
BMP-4 (Qk038)
bFGF (Qk027)

Tan, J. et al. Limited oxygen in standard cell culture alters metabolism and function of differentiated cells’.
The Embo Journal (2024).

From the lab of Daniel J. Fazakerley, University of Cambridge

Zebrafish FGF-2 (Qk002)
Human BMP-4 (Qk038)

We all know our stem cell cultures are sensitive and high maintenance, we feed them, keep them warm to make sure we get the most accurate, reproducible data. The composition of their media is important, we need the right growth factors, but this week’s Friday read highlights that their exposure to oxygen can be an important factor in the differentiation and function of cellular models. In this very interesting read from the MRC Institute of Metabolic Science they have investigated the impact of oxygen diffusion and media volume on hypoxia-related transcriptional changes in stem cell cultures. They found that decreasing the media volume decreased lactate production and HIF1α expression and increased the functionality of adipocyte, hiPSC-derived hepatocytes and hiPSC-derived cardiac organoid cultures.


Żylicz, J., van Nerum, K., Wenzel, A., Argemi Muntadas, L. et al. Metabolic rewiring underpins human trophoblast induction.
Preprint (2024).

From the lab of Jan Żylicz, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Human LIF (Qk036)
Human EGF (Qk011)


Arboit, M. et al.KLF7 is a general inducer of human pluripotency.
Preprint (2023).

From the lab of Elena Carbognin and Graziano Martello, University of Padua

FGF-2 (Qk002)
LIF (Qk036)

Beltran-Rendon, C., Price, C. J. et al. Modeling the selective growth advantage of genetically variant human pluripotent stem cells to identify opportunities for manufacturing process control.’ Cytotherapy (2024).

From the lab of Robert Thomas, Loughborough University

FGF2-G3 (Qk053)
TGF-β1 PLUS (Qk010)

Robert Thomas’s lab at Loughborough University has analysed growth dynamics between commonly occurring genetically variant hPSCs and their counterpart wild-type cells in culture cells using proprietary computational modelling, allowing the identification of critical process parameters that drive critical quality attributes when genetically variant cells are present within the system This fascinating paper highlights how the system parameters controlling independent growth behaviour of wild-type and genetic variant populations are altered when both populations exist within a co-culture environment by introducing an ordinary differential equation (ODE) framework. Findings reveal that variant cells exhibit selective growth and competitive advantage, influencing the behaviour of wild-type cells, particularly at higher culture densities. This computational model offers opportunities for defining operational protocols and timely detection of emerging variants, crucial for product release and risk management. It is clear to see the importance as it demonstrates the utility of computational models in understanding complex biological systems and informing manufacturing practices in hPSC-based therapies.

Boikova, A. et al.A transient modified mRNA encoding Myc and Cyclin T1 induces cardiac regeneration and improves cardiac function after myocardial injury.
Preprint (2023).

From the labs of Catherine H. Wilson, University of Cambridge and James E. Hudson, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

FGF-2 (Qk002)
Activin A (Qk001)

Carbognin, E. et al. ‘Esrrb guides naive pluripotent cells through the formative transcriptional programme.’
Nat Cell Biol 25, 643–657 (2023).

From the labs of Jamie A. Hackett, European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL-Rome, Davide Cacchiarelli, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine and Graziano Martello, University of Padua.

Zebrafish FGF-2 protein (Qk002)
Activin A protein (Qk001)
Human LIF protein (Qk036)

Drozd, A. et al. ‘Progesterone Receptor Modulates Extraembryonic Mesoderm and Cardiac Progenitor Specification during Mouse Gastrulation’.
Int. J. Mol. Sci (2022)

From the lab of Elisabetta Ferretti, University of Copenhagen

Activin A (Qk001)
BMP-4 (Qk038)
bFGF (Qk027)

Ferlazzo, G. M. et al.Genome-wide screening in pluripotent cells identifies Mtf1 as a suppressor of mutant huntingtin toxicity.
Nat Commun 14, 3962 (2023).

From the lab of Graziano Martello, University of Padova

hLIF (Qk036)
FGF-2 (Qk002)

Kinoshita, M. et al. Capture of Mouse and Human Stem Cells with Features of Formative Pluripotency.
Cell Stem Cell (2020)

From the lab of Austin Smith, University of Cambridge & University of Exeter

Activin A PLUS (Qk005)
zFGF-2 / bFGF (Qk002)

In the study of embryonic stem cells, stem cells representative of naïve and primed pluripotency have been well established in the forms of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and epiblast-derived stem cells (EpiSCs). In this study Kinoshita et al. fill the gap between early and late pluripotency in describing an intermediate state; formative stem (FS) cells. FS cells differ from both ESCs and EpiSCs, a difference beautifully exemplified by their relative contribution to chimeras. Compared with ESCs, which readily contribute to chimeras, FS chimera contribution is less frequent, and their contribution is less evenly distributed. EpiSCs on the other hand do not generally contribute to chimeras at all. FS cells were established by culturing E5.5 epiblasts, or ES cells, in N2B27 media supplemented with a low dose of Qkine Activin A alongside a Wnt inhibitor and pan-retinoic acid receptor inverse agonist. We are proud our growth factors could be part of such an exciting finding!

Masaki Kinoshita, first author, MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge, says:
“Formative” pluripotency exists transiently in early development and naive mouse ES cell differentiation, which cells directly respond to differentiation signals. This paper showed that formative pluripotency is now captured in culture and expands its knowledge including chimaera competency of early embryonic cells.

Luo, L, et al. ‘Hydrostatic Pressure Promotes Chondrogenic Differentiation and Microvesicle Release from Human Embryonic and Bone Marrow Stem Cells’. Biotechnology Journal (2021)

From the lab of Alicia El Haj, University of Birmingham

Activin A (Qk001)
FGF-2 / bFGF 145 aa (Qk025)
BMP-2 (Qk007)

Meek, S. et al. ‘Stem Cell-Derived Porcine Macrophages as a New Platform for Studying Host-Pathogen Interactions’.
BMC Biology, 20:14 (2022)

From the lab of Tom Burdon, University of Edinburgh

Activin A (Qk001)
FGF-2 / bFGF 154 aa (Qk027)

Stavish, D. et al.Cytogenetic resource enables mechanistic resolution of changing trends in human pluripotent stem cell aberrations linked to feeder-free culture.
Preprint (2023).

From the lab of Ivana Barbaric, University of Sheffield

FGF2-G3 (Qk053)

Stuart, H. T. et al. ‘Distinct Molecular Trajectories Converge to Induce Naive Pluripotency.’
Cell Stem Cell 25, 388-406.e8 (2019).

Reviewers comments available to view: Stadtfeld, M. Evaluation of Stuart et al.: Distinct Molecular Trajectories Converge to Induce Naive Pluripotency. Cell Stem Cell 25, 297–298 (2019). doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2019.08.009

From the lab of José Silva, University of Cambridge

Activin A (Qk001)
zFGF2 / bFGF (Qk002)
mouse LIF (Qk018)

Tan, J. Virtue, S., Norris, D. M. et al. Limited oxygen in standard cell culture alters metabolism and function of differentiated cells’.
The Embo Journal 43: 2127 – 2165 (2024).

From the lab of Daniel J. Fazakerley, University of Cambridge

Zebrafish FGF-2 (Qk002)
Human BMP-4 (Qk038)

Tomaz, R. et al. ‘Generation of functional hepatocytes by forward programming with nuclear receptors’.
eLife, 11:e71591 (2022)

From the lab of Ludovic Vallier, University of Cambridge

FGF-2 / bFGF 154 aa (Qk027)

van Bree, N., Oppelt, A. et al. Development of an orthotopic medulloblastoma zebrafish model for rapid drug testing.’ bioRxiv (2024).

From the lab of Margareta Wilhelm, Karolinska Institutet

FGF2-G3 (Qk053)

The drug discovery process is reliant on appropriate models for high-throughput screening, this can be difficult when complex, heterogeneous diseases are the targeted indication. This publication reports on a fascinating zebrafish model for the study of medulloblastoma, one of the most common malignant brain tumors in children. Introduction of medulloblastoma cells into zebrafish embryos leads to tumor growth in the hindbrain region and the homing of transplanted cells and the aggressiveness of tumor growth were enhanced by pre-culturing cells in a neural stem cell-like medium. This model was then used to successfully assess the effect of anti-cancer drugs on the viability of medulloblastoma cells in this zebrafish embryo model.

Williams, T. L. et al. ‘Expanding the apelin receptor pharmacological toolbox using novel fluorescent ligands.’
Frontiers in Endocrinology 14, (2023).

From the lab of Anthony Davenport, University of Cambridge

Zebrafish FGF-2 protein (Qk002)

Williams, T. L. et al. ‘Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocyte Platform Screens Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Infection’.
Communications Biology 4, 926 (2021).

From the lab of Anthony Davenport, University of Cambridge

zFGF-2 / bFGF (Qk002)

Zorzan, I. et al. The transcriptional regulator ZNF398 mediates pluripotency and epithelial character downstream of TGF-beta in human PSCs.
Nat Commun 11, 2364 (2020).

From the lab of Graziano Martello, University of Padua

Activin A (Qk001)
zFGF-2 / bFGF  (Qk002)


Agarwal, R. et al. ‘Human epidermis organotypic cultures, a reproducible system recapitulating the epidermis in vitro.’
Experimental Dermatology 32, 1143–1155 (2023).

From the labs of Emmanuel Contassot and Alexander A. Navarini, University of Basel

Noggin (Qk034)
R-spondin 1 (Qk006)
FGF10 (Qk003)


Cimino, I. et al. ‘Activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis by exogenous and endogenous GDF15’.
PNAS, 118, 27 (2021).

From the lab of Stephen O’Rahilly, University of Cambridge

GDF-15 (Qk017)

In this paper, Cinimo et al. explore the role of the TGFβ-family protein GDF15 in activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. During infection, cytokines such as TNFα/β, IL-1 and IL-6, activate the HPA axis. This increases circulating glucocorticoids, which have anti-inflammatory, metabolic, and vasomotor effects. However, O’Rahilly lab have determined that in response to stimuli such as toxins, which don’t provoke an inflammatory response, the primary activator of the HPA axis is GDF15. GDF15 is an intriguing protein also being explored as an anti-obesity therapeutic target, these findings may have a pivotal impact on future clinical study design and open new avenues of investigation. Certainly cool science!

Fejzo, M., Rocha, N., Cimino, I. et al. GDF15 linked to maternal risk of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
Nature (2024).

From the lab of Stephen O’Rahilly, University of Cambridge

GDF-15 (Qk017)

The recent publication from Fejzo et al. discusses the role of GDF-15, an intriguing protein acting on the brainstem, in nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, particularly in hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). This study finds that both fetal production of GDF-15 and maternal sensitivity to GDF-15 significantly contribute to the risk of HG with higher levels of GDF15 in maternal blood associated with vomiting during pregnancy and HG. Genetic variants affecting GDF-15 levels influence the risk of HG, with low levels increasing the risk and high levels decreasing it. This was an excellent read which suggests a putative causal role for fetally derived GDF-15 in pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting, with maternal sensitivity influenced by pre-pregnancy exposure and shows great promise for potential avenues of treatment and prevention of HG by blocking GDF-15 action in the pregnant mother.

Fejzo, M. et al. ‘Fetally-encoded GDF15 and maternal GDF15 sensitivity are major determinants of nausea and vomiting in human pregnancy.’
Preprint (2023).

From the lab of Stephen O’Rahilly, University of Cambridge, UK and Nicholas Mancuso, University of Southern California, USA.

Human GDF-15 protein (Qk017)

Karusheva, Y. et al. ‘The Common H202D Variant in GDF-15 Does Not Affect Its Bioactivity but Can Significantly Interfere with Measurement of Its Circulating Levels’.
The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine (2022)

From the lab of Stephen O’Rahilly, University of Cambridge

TGF-β growth factors, including GDF-15 (Qk017)


Agarwal, D. et al.Human retinal ganglion cell neurons generated by synchronous BMP inhibition and transcription factor mediated reprogramming.
Npj Regen. Med. 8, 1–18 (2023).

From the lab of Karl Wahlin, University of California San Diego

BDNF (Qk050)
GDNF (Qk051)

Agarwal, D. & Wahlin, K. ‘Differentiation of RGC Induced Neurons (RGC-iNs).’ (2023).

From the lab of Karl Wahlin, University of California San Diego

BDNF (Qk050)
GDNF (Qk051)

Gremlin 1

Sato, N., S Rosa, V. S. Aly Makhlouf, et al. Basal delamination during mouse gastrulation primes pluripotent cells for differentiation’.
Developmental Cell 59:10, 1252 – 1268.e13 (2024).

From the lab of Marta Shahbazi, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge

Gremlin 1 (Qk015)


Andrés-San Román, J. A. et al.CartoCell, a high-content pipeline for 3D image analysis, unveils cell morphology patterns in epithelia.
Cell Rep. Methods 100597 (2023).

From the lab of Luis M. Escudero, University of Sevilla

mouse LIF (Qk018)

Arboit, M. et al.KLF7 is a general inducer of human pluripotency.
Preprint (2023).

From the lab of Elena Carbognin and Graziano Martello, University of Padua

FGF-2 (Qk002)
human LIF (Qk036)

Borkowska, M. & Leitch, H. G. ‘Mouse Primordial Germ Cells: In Vitro Culture and Conversion to Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines’.
Methods Mol Biol 2214, 59–73 (2021).

From the lab of Harry Leitch, Imperial College London

mouse LIF (Qk018)

Carbognin, E. et al. ‘Esrrb guides naive pluripotent cells through the formative transcriptional programme.’
Nat Cell Biol 25, 643–657 (2023).

From the labs of Jamie A. Hackett, European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL-Rome, Davide Cacchiarelli, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine and Graziano Martello, University of Padua.

zebrafish FGF-2 (Qk002)
Activin A (Qk001)
human LIF (Qk036)

Dinarello, A. et al.STAT3 and HIF1α cooperatively mediate the transcriptional and physiological responses to hypoxia.
Cell Death Discov. 9, 1–12 (2023).

From the lab of Graziano Martello and Francesco Argenton, University of Padova

human LIF (Qk036)

Ferlazzo, G. M. et al.Genome-wide screening in pluripotent cells identifies Mtf1 as a suppressor of mutant huntingtin toxicity.
Nat Commun 14, 3962 (2023).

From the lab of Graziano Martello, University of Padova

human LIF (Qk036)
FGF-2 (Qk002)

Guo, M., Wu, J., Chen, C. et al. Self-renewing human naïve pluripotent stem cells dedifferentiate in 3D culture and form blastoids spontaneously.
Nat Commun 15, 668 (2024).

From the lab of José Silva, Guangzhou Laboratory

Activin A (Qk001)
hLIF (Qk036)

A huge challenge in understanding human early embryo cell fate is due to limited access and ethical concerns. Recent research, however, from José C. R. Silva’s lab at Guangzhou National Laboratory, drawing from single-cell sequencing, suggests a conserved lineage specification process between human and mouse embryos. Blastoids, emerging models for early embryo development, generated solely from hnPSCs, offer insights into blastocyst formation without altering culture conditions. Self-renewing human naïve pluripotent stem cells (hnPSCs) spontaneously form blastoids in 3D culture, mimicking early human blastocysts. This process, mediated by the GSK3 inhibitor IM-12 in 5iLAF medium, involves upregulation of oxidative phosphorylation genes. hnPSCs dedifferentiate into E5 embryo-like intermediates, expressing SOX2/OCT4 and GATA6, which specify trophoblast fate by day 3, coinciding with blastoid formation. This was a fantastic paper to read as it is clear how this spontaneous blastoid formation highlights the importance of culture conditions and provides a new platform to study human embryo development in vitro, potentially reshaping our understanding of hnPSCs and embryo development.

Heidari Khoei, H., Javali, A., Kagawa, H. et al. ‘Generating human blastoids modeling blastocyst-stage embryos and implantation.’
Nat Protoc, (2023)

From the lab of Nicolas Rivron, IMBA, Austrian Academy of Sciences

Human LIF protein (Qk036)

Hennessy, M. J., Fulton, T., Turner, D. A. & Steventon, B. ‘Negative feedback on Retinoic Acid by Brachyury guides gastruloid symmetry-breaking.’ (2023).

From the labs of David A. Turner, University of Liverpool and Ben Steventon, University of Cambridge

Murine LIF (Qk018)

Krammer, T. and Tanaka, E.M. ‘Neural tube organoid generation: a robust and reproducible protocol from single mouse embryonic stem cells.
Preprint (2024).

From the lab of Elly M. Tanaka, Francis Crick Institute and the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) of Vienna

mouse LIF (Qk018)

Krammer, T., Stuart, H. T., Gromberg, E. et al. ‘Mouse neural tube organoids self-organize floorplate through BMP-mediated cluster competition
Developmental Cell 59, 1940–1953 (2024).

From the labs of James Briscoe and Elly M. Tanaka, Francis Crick Institute and the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) of Vienna

mouse LIF (Qk018)

This paper gives us insight into the complex regulatory interactions between BMP-4 and noggin during neural tube development. Neural tube organoids from embryonic stem cells will organize into floorplates, without the usual inducers present in the developing embryo. They used mouse neural tube organoids and by identifying the floorplate marker FOXA2 they showed the importance of regulation of BMP-4 signaling through noggin. Noggin mutation reduced neural tube organization and floorplate formation in vitro and in vivo.

Li, H., Chang, L., Huang, J. and Silva, J. ‘Protocol for generating mouse morula-like cells resembling 8- to 16-cell stage embryo cells
STAR Protocols 5:2 (2024).

From the lab of José Silva, Guangzhou Laboratory

mouse LIF (Qk018)

Generating cell types with properties of embryo cells with full developmental potential is of great biological importance. This paper describe steps for induction and isolation of MLCs by sorting. They explained the procedures for segregating MLCs into blastocyst cell fates and how to create embryo-like structures from them. This system provides a valuable stem-cell-based embryo model to study early embryo development.

Li, H., Huang, J., Guan, W. et al. ‘Chemically induced cell plasticity enables the generation of high-fidelity embryo model.
Preprint (2024).

From the lab of José Silva, Guangzhou Laboratory

mouse LIF (Qk018)

Mulas, C., Stammers, M., Salomaa, S. I. et al. ‘ERK signalling eliminates Nanog and maintains Oct4 to drive the formative pluripotency transition.
Development 151:14 (2024).

From the labs of Austin Smith, University of Cambridge and Kevin J. Chalut, University of Exeter

human LIF (Qk036)

Stuart, H. T. et al. ‘Distinct Molecular Trajectories Converge to Induce Naive Pluripotency.’
Cell Stem Cell 25, 388-406.e8 (2019).

Reviewers comments available to view: Stadtfeld, M. Evaluation of Stuart et al.: Distinct Molecular Trajectories Converge to Induce Naive Pluripotency.
Cell Stem Cell 25, 297–298 (2019). doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2019.08.009

From the lab of José Silva, University of Cambridge

Activin A (Qk001)
zFGF2 / bFGF (Qk002)
mouse LIF (Qk018)

Żylicz, J., van Nerum, K., Wenzel, A., Argemi Muntadas, L. et al. Metabolic rewiring underpins human trophoblast induction.
Preprint (2024).

From the lab of Jan Żylicz, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

human LIF (Qk036)
human EGF (Qk011)


Agarwal, R. et al. ‘Human epidermis organotypic cultures, a reproducible system recapitulating the epidermis in vitro.’
Experimental Dermatology 32, 1143–1155 (2023).

From the labs of Emmanuel Contassot and Alexander A. Navarini, University of Basel

Noggin (Qk034)
R-spondin 1 (Qk006)
FGF10 (Qk003)

Bergmann, S. et al. ‘Spatial profiling of early primate gastrulation in utero’.
Nature,609, 136–143, (2022)

From the lab of Thorsten E. Boroviak, University of Cambridge

Noggin (Qk034)

Lumibao, J. C., Okhovat, S. R., Peck, K. L. et al. The effect of extracellular matrix on the precision medicine utility of pancreatic cancer patient–derived organoids.
JCI Insight (2024).

From the lab of Dannielle Engle, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Noggin (Qk034)
R-spondin 1 (Qk006)

A promising application of organoids, in this case patient-derived organoids (PDOs), is to profile the therapeutic sensitivity of tumors to inform clinical decisions and to stratify patients in clinical trials more effectively. Recently there have been positive results from clinical trials giving a glimmer of the potential impact of these technologies. However, a concern is how reproducible these technologies are, particularly as most still rely on animal-derived basement membrane extracts, where batch variation is a sector-wide concern. This recent publication shows consistent drug responses are observed when different sources of commercial BME were compared. This is reassuring and speaks to how robust these approaches can be.

 R-Spondin 1

Agarwal, R. et al. ‘Human epidermis organotypic cultures, a reproducible system recapitulating the epidermis in vitro.’
Experimental Dermatology 32, 1143–1155 (2023).

From the labs of Emmanuel Contassot and Alexander A. Navarini, University of Basel

Noggin (Qk034)
R-spondin 1 (Qk006)
FGF10 (Qk003)

Bomin Ku, et al. PRMT1 promotes pancreatic cancer development and resistance to chemotherapy’.
Cell Reports Medicine (2024).

From the lab of Dae-Sik Lim, KAIST, Republic of Korea

R-Spondin 1 (Qk006)

Choi, W et al.Establishment of Patient-Derived Organoids Using Ascitic or Pleural Fluid from Cancer Patients.
Cancer Res Treat (2023).

From the lab of Sun-Young Kong, National Cancer Center, Korea

R-spondin-1 (Qk006)

Lumibao, J. C., Okhovat, S. R., Peck, K. L. et al. The effect of extracellular matrix on the precision medicine utility of pancreatic cancer patient–derived organoids.
JCI Insight (2024).

From the lab of Dannielle Engle, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Noggin (Qk034)
R-spondin 1 (Qk006)

A promising application of organoids, in this case patient-derived organoids (PDOs), is to profile the therapeutic sensitivity of tumors to inform clinical decisions and to stratify patients in clinical trials more effectively. Recently there have been positive results from clinical trials giving a glimmer of the potential impact of these technologies. However, a concern is how reproducible these technologies are, particularly as most still rely on animal-derived basement membrane extracts, where batch variation is a sector-wide concern. This recent publication shows consistent drug responses are observed when different sources of commercial BME were compared. This is reassuring and speaks to how robust these approaches can be.


Beltran-Rendon, C., Price, C. J. et al. Modeling the selective growth advantage of genetically variant human pluripotent stem cells to identify opportunities for manufacturing process control.’ Cytotherapy (2024).

From the lab of Robert Thomas, Loughborough University

FGF2-G3 (Qk053)
TGF-β1 PLUS (Qk010)

Robert Thomas’s lab at Loughborough University has analysed growth dynamics between commonly occurring genetically variant hPSCs and their counterpart wild-type cells in culture cells using proprietary computational modelling, allowing the identification of critical process parameters that drive critical quality attributes when genetically variant cells are present within the system This fascinating paper highlights how the system parameters controlling independent growth behaviour of wild-type and genetic variant populations are altered when both populations exist within a co-culture environment by introducing an ordinary differential equation (ODE) framework. Findings reveal that variant cells exhibit selective growth and competitive advantage, influencing the behaviour of wild-type cells, particularly at higher culture densities. This computational model offers opportunities for defining operational protocols and timely detection of emerging variants, crucial for product release and risk management. It is clear to see the importance as it demonstrates the utility of computational models in understanding complex biological systems and informing manufacturing practices in hPSC-based therapies.

Vankatesan, M. et al. ‘Recombinant production of growth factors for application in cell culture’.
iScience, 25:10 (2022)

From the lab of Alexi Savchenko, University of Toronto

TGF-β1 (Qk010)


Lyra-Leite, D. M. et al.Nutritional requirements of human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Stem Cell Reports 18, 1371–1387 (2023).

From the lab of Paul W. Burridge, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

TGFβ3 (Qk054)

Shin, D., Kim, C.N., Ross, J., Frost, N.A., Sohal, V.S. et al. Thalamocortical organoids enable in vitro modeling of 22q11.2 microdeletion associated with neuropsychiatric disorders.
Cell Stem Cell (2024).

From the lab of Tomasz Nowakowski, University of California, San Francisco

TGF-β3 (Qk054)

This recent study from David Shin in the lab of Tomasz J. Nowakowski University of California, explores thalamic dysfunction in psychiatric disorders, focusing on the 22q11.2 microdeletion associated with increased risk. They used human pluripotent stem cell-derived organoids to investigate early thalamus development, revealing widespread transcriptional dysregulation and elevated FOXP2 expression in thalamic neurons and glia. From a co-culture model, they found that the microdeletion leads to thalamic axon overgrowth, mediated by FOXP2. These findings suggest dysregulated thalamic development contributes to schizophrenia-related neural phenotypes in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, offering fascinating insights into the neuropsychiatric disorder’s genetic mechanisms. It will be very interesting to see how human pluripotent stem cell-derived organoids continue to play a fundamental role in psychiatric disorders in the future!


Barber, L. et al. ‘Selectivity and stability of N-terminal targeting protein modification chemistries’.
Royal Society of Chemistry, (2022)

From the lab of Dr Christopher D. Spicer, University of York